This is a dynamic page that will be continuously updated. We invite you to come back and see what new tools are at your disposal. We also invite you to Become An Advocate so you can be notified when new resources are available.

The BLK+Cross + The Georgia Department of Public Health Ambassador Training Resources

Click >> to download Training Project Resources for “GA CHWs & Social Media 101 : Storytelling for Healthy Change”:

GA Department of Public Health Vaccine Ambassador Training (VIDEO)
GA Department of Public Health Vaccine Ambassador Training Presentation

For complete access to Ambassador training resources and toolkit join us in the Alive & In Color Ambassador Community please register to become an advocate @

The BLK+Cross + Mercy Care Ambassador Training Resources

In the Spring of 2023, The BLK+Cross partnered with Mercy Care, Georgia C.E.A.L., and ARCHI (Atlanta Regional Collaborative for Health Innovation) to create an 8 week Ambassador Training program and social media campaign to increase media literacy, help stop the spread of mis/disinformation around COVID-19 and other health-related topics, and drive vaccine confidence and uptake. The initiative included an inaugural Mercy Spring Health Festival, 6 weeks of social media campaign content creation, and an Ambassador Training Module on Storytelling for Healthy Change. By completing the training module, participants will learn how to recognize and respond to Mis/Disinformation in social media, as well as how to leverage culture in health literacy communications to have conversations, and develop campaigns that change our understanding, beliefs, behaviors, and ultimately, promote collective wellbeing. You may watch the video and training presentation below:

Mercy Care Vaccine Ambassador Training (VIDEO)​
Mercy Care Vaccine Ambassador Training Presentation
Mercy Care Vaccine Ambassador Training Transcript

But wait! That’s not all…

Join Us In the Alive & In Color Ambassador Community to learn even more about important health literacy and communications topics. Registered members have exclusive access to our Advocacy Tools and Resources which include a searchable database of Ambassador Content like tip sheets, virtual webinars, PSAs, research findings, and more. Tools from this module include:

  1. STOP THE SPREAD: Storytelling For Healthy Change Toolkit CREATE your own storytelling content with our Toolkit & Social Media Templates

  1. Ambassador/Advocate Networking CONNECT to fellow Ambassadors, Community Health Workers, & other Trusted Messengers; Create your own profile to alert others of your key areas of impact

  1. 6 Week Social Media Campaign SHARE six (6) weeks worth of content across your social media channels. Starting June 19th, members can download social posts on topics such as COVID-19/ The COVID Vaccine; Maternal Health, Mental & Behavioral Health, Affordable Housing, and other Health Equity / Continuum of Care topics.

Download the resources below, join the community, and let’s get to work! Be sure to check back in June! We have more community features and more tools and resources to come!

For complete access to Ambassador training resources and toolkit join us in the Alive & In Color Ambassador Community please register to become an advocate @

Add Your Heading Text Here

Mercy Care Social Media Posts for Trusted Messengers, Advocates,
and Subject Matter Experts
(Includes: Reality Check, True Story, Calculated Risks, Articles, and Vaccine Testimonies)
Tips For Conversations That Drive VAX Confidence (TIP SHEET)
Mental Health
#TrueStory: Mercy Care Spring Festival COVID Vaccine Uptake Testimony 2 (VIDEO)​

The BLK+Cross + Georgia CEAL Ambassador Training Resources

Click >> to download the GA CEAL Ambassador Training Project Resources:
Media Literacy and Storytelling for Change: Driving Vaccine Confidence and Uptake (TOOLKIT)
Reasonable Doubts: Recognizing and Responding to Misinformation to Overcome COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (VIDEO)
Reasonable Doubts: Recognizing and Responding to Misinformation to Overcome COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy (PRESENTATION)
Storytelling for Healthy Change:
Social Media Content that Increases Vaccine Confidence and Uptake (VIDEO)
Storytelling for Healthy Change: Social Media Content that Increases Vaccine Confidence and Uptake (PRESENTATION)
Audience Persona: Parents
& Caregivers
Audience Persona: Gatekeeping
Women & Moms
The BLK+Cross + GA CEAL Parent/
Caregiver Master Messaging Map
GA CEAL Training Social Media Templates for Trusted Messengers, Advocates,
and Subject Matter Experts
Sci-Time - Template
Calculated Risks Template
True Story Template
Sci-Time Slide 1 Template
Sci-Time Slide 2 Template
Calculated Risks VZ Template
GA CEAL Training Social Media Examples for Trusted Messengers, Advocates,
and Subject Matter Experts
Sci - Time Dr. Jayne Morgan
Calculated Risks Covid is Outside 2
Truestory KEV On Stage

Sci - Time Dr. Jayne Morgan

Calculated Risks

Truestory Kev

SciTime - Vax Ingredients Slide 3
SciTime - Vax Ingredients Slide 4
VZ - Fatal Drownings

COVIED Project Resources

Leaders in our communities have partnered to develop accurate and trusted resources aiming to reduce the disproportionate impact of COVID illness and death associated with this pandemic. Our partnership with the Global Health Crisis Coordination Center (GHC3) and the SARS-CoV2 Vaccines Information Equity and Demand Creation Project (COVIED) Project has allowed to expand its library of content to support you in your quest to drive vaccine confidence in the communities you serve. 

For more information about COVIED, click here.

Click >> to download the COVIED Project Resources:
Phase 1 Strategy Report
TikTok Ethnography
Messaging Grid
COVID-19 Vax Master
Hesitancy Grid
Strategy Report
TikTok Ethnography
Ambassador Training
Presentation [FEBRUARY]
Ambassador Training
Presentation [MARCH]
Trusted Messenger Counter-
Narrative Approach and Keys
Peer Ambassador Counter-
Narrative Approach and Keys
COVID Vax Hesitancy
At-Risk Segment Report
At-Risk, At-Work
At-Risk Segment Report
Gatekeeping Women & Moms
At-Risk Segment Report
Youth & Young Adults
NACCHO Webinar
Social Listening
So, you did your own COVID research. But did you pop the
filter bubble?
Social Media Templates for Trusted Messengers, Advocates, and Subject Matter Experts
Blk Vax History
Calculated Risks
Counter Conspiracy
Social Media Examples for Trusted Messengers, Advocates, and Subject Matter Experts
Blk Vax History
Calculated Risks
Counter Conspiracy

Project Partners

Click to visit the COVIED Project Partners sites:

Want to help us stop the spread of COVID-19 and connect at-risk communities of color to the information, care, and resources they need?

Use your voice and our tools.

Join the Alive & In Color Community Advocacy Network and gain access to tools and resources, updates on relief efforts in your area, and ways to take action.