Faith Over Fear Q&A: The vaccines are not from God and the American healthcare system is only trying to kill us. How do you respond?

“Faith over Fear & Facts Over Misinformation: Mobilizing the Faith Community to Stop The Spread of COVID-19” was a town-hall style event held on August 31, 2021. Hosted by Alive & In Color in partnership with Georgia Community Engagement Alliance Against COVID-19 (CEAL), members of various faith communities along with medical experts shared solutions for driving vaccine equity in our communities with an emphasis on awareness, access, and acceptance.

Here, Tabia Henry Akintobi, PhD, MPH, Professor of Community Health and Preventive Medicine and Associate Dean of Community Engagement at Morehouse School of Medicine, answers the following question: “‘The vaccines are not from God and the American healthcare system is only trying to kill us.’ How do we respond to these statements?”

For more information, visit:
Alive & In Color:
Georgia CEAL:


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