Keeping the Faith in Times of Crisis

COVID Convos provide a trusted space for our community to engage experts for a better understanding of the realities of COVID-19 and its impact on communities of color. “Keeping The Faith In Times of Crisis” explores topics such as:

1. The role of spirituality & public theology in forming a community consciousness
2. The importance of mindfulness and belief in staying centered and grounded
3. Reconciling science and religion in combating COVID-19
4. The Black Church, Social Services & The Acceleration of Social Equity

Dr. Nicole Garner Scott, Founder of Amount Financial Services
Anthony Flynn, Founder of Amazing CEO
Reverend Reginald Lee Bachus, Associate Pastor, Abyssinian Baptist Church
Rev. Paul Thibodeaux, Connections Pastor at Impact Church
Rev. Dr. Toni Alvarado, Co-Pastor of Grace Church International

Brought to you by Impact Church, The BLK+Cross & The Gathering Spot


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